Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ouch! I fell down outside of the grocery store yesterday. So today I am so hurting. Nothing broken tho! So I can't sit and draw and spend time at my computer because it hurts too much. Be a few days before I can get back to it. Meanwhile use the new SEARCH bar to find oldies but goodies! Time for a cup of tea maybe.


  1. So sorry that you fell. Hope you'll feel better soon!!

  2. Well, thats bad news. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Get well soon! Sorry you fell---not fun!

  4. So sorry about the fall...scary to have happen! Glad nothing was broken, but do take your time recuperating & don't rush it! A cup of tea soothes all :-)

  5. So sorry for you, Mary Ellen! I hope you will get better soon! Please take care!
    Hugs, Liv

  6. So sorry to hear about your fall. Sending lots of hugs!


  7. sorry to hear you got banged up, hope you heal quickly

  8. So sorry to hear about the fall! Hope your back on your feet again real soon!

  9. sorry to hear about your accident! Will be praying for healing and hope you are pain free very soon.

  10. I'm sorry you are hurting! I understand. I am still recovering from back surgery 6 months ago. I planned to make 6 cards this weekend featuring a dearie doll gramma, but I only got one done. Those little ladies will sit patiently on my desk until I feel better. Now you feel better, too!

  11. The one card I did finish. . . .

  12. Sorry to hear about you falling! Take it easy and heal quickly.

  13. Oh, you poor thing!! I feel for you! Ouch! Happy healing!

  14. Oh, no............feel better soon. Stay put and relax.

  15. Take care of yourself and get better soon.

  16. Oh dear!! I sure hope you landed on a cushy part. Time to read a book and nap a lot! Give yourself lots of time to heal. (The naps will help.)

  17. OMGosh !!! I am sending healing vibes and hope you recover really soon.

    IKE in Greece xxxxx

  18. I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and I'm happy to hear you are not serious hurt. Take care and hurry back.

  19. Oh M E so sorry to hear this. Hope you heal up quickly xx

    I tripped over the cat 2 weeks ago and went sprawling across the patio (not a pretty sight lol). Still got the bruises and scabs ;-~

  20. Oh! poor you, I hope the tumble doesn't keep you inactive for too long, it must have shaken you up a lot. Take care and your time getting back to things.

  21. So sorry to hear about your fall, but glad that nothing is broken. Still, falls can keep you sore for days. Hope you take it easy and feel better soon.

  22. So sorry to hear that!! Hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself

  23. Glad you didn't break anything. Do take care of yourself and I hope you are well very soon!

  24. So very sorry you fell! So scary! Get plenty of rest and hot tea. Also, remember RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). Heal quickly!

  25. OUCH!! Hope you get to feeling better sooner-than-soon. Like I told my sister, when she fell, 'Got to quit kissing the concrete!'. Take care!!

    1. Hi Sharon...well I was thinking that it could have been worse and then I was thinking I must have landed on my guardian angel who broke my fall. Well and then of course I was feeling very sorry for my guardian angel! Thank you for the well wishes everybody!!!!

  26. Oh, gosh! I am sorry that happened. It is good that you didn't break any bones! I managed to get myself a hairline fracture of my wrist last Sunday. All I did was lift my grandson who is 2 1/2. Accidents happen to all of us I guess but it isn't any fun. I hope you will be feeling better soon -- I would send you a card if I knew your address!
    take care and rest

  27. Oh take care. Glad nothing is broke, but I know it still hurts.

  28. Oh No!! So sorry that happened to you. Will keep you in my prayers (my dad fell Wed and fractured his hip, so you are very fortunate nothing serious happened). Hugs.

  29. Oooo. So sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I hope you have people around you to help you rest and heal. Whenever I fall in public, my first thought is "Who saw that?"! I'm usually more embarrassed than hurt. Praying for you!

  30. Feel better soon! So glad you didn't break anything.

  31. Hope today was a better day! How fortunate that nothing is broken! Baby yourself!💐

  32. So sorry to hear of your fall! Hope you are feel much better soon!
