Saturday, November 7, 2015

Christmas Cookie Booth


  1. Awe - this is very cute - thank you!

  2. This digi came at the right time. My mom is a Cookie Baker and makes hundreds of dozens of cookies throughout the year (every week for the kids in their church and then for everyone on their birthday, Easter, Christmas...well, any holiday LOL). I made her gift tags last year with a bowl and spoon, but this is even better. I can't wait to send these gift tags off to her for her Christmas Cookie Gifts this year. Thank you SO much Mary Ellen. You are the best!!! I'll send you a photo when I'm done.

  3. How sweet is this girl and I bet her cookies are too! Thank you

  4. I love to have a cookie booth one related to girl scouts. I pay for would be great to give as a ty card to the businesses that let us booth in front of their stores.
