Monday, June 22, 2015


Well, I think it finally crashed. I had a cute digital ready to scan........oh well hope I can get up and running soon. At least I have my kindle to keep in touch with. Take care all...don't forget me in the meantime. :)


  1. Sorry to hear this about your computer. For me, it isn't about getting a free digi (which I do love) ~ it is like having a morning cup of coffee with a friend. Hope your son gets you back up and running without too many problems.

  2. Hope you get back into cyber space soon xx

  3. Computers can be such a pain! I hope you get the problem solved soon. (and easily)

  4. On my!! Sorry to hear that. I am having computer problems myself. Computer guy coming by this afternoon. Hopefully nothing serious

  5. My condolences on your computer's demise. May your techie healer be able to resurrect it soon. Thank you for sharing your whimsy. I love the daily smile your digis bring.

  6. We will miss you, you are so talented and I love your drawings!!!

  7. Oh no!! I hope your computer is salvageable. I am going to miss seeing your daily goodies!!! XOXOXOXO!

  8. Hang in there. I love your digi. Will be waiting!

  9. I feel your pain, my desktop is doing the slow swan song. My DH decided a wife without a computer could not be tolerated or tolerable, so got me a laptop to make sure, but my desktop is still my main computer and I fear turning it off. I back everything I do onto a portable hardrive so I can continue it later. I hope yours is up and running again soon. Make sure if it is unable to be saved to get the hardrive as they can often be put in in case and used as portable arddrive and your main data can be saved. I know I've been there.

  10. I am sorry to hear you are having computer issues! I hope the problem is resolved quickly!

  11. Mary Ellen, We won't forget you. I hope you can get your computer fixed soon. Edwina Brown

  12. I agree with Jean - your posts always bring a smile and even though it's just an image, it still feels like I've touched base with a friend. Hang in there - all will be right in the computer world soon - well that's what dreams are made of anyway. Hugs

  13. Oh, bless your heart!!! Hope it's better VERY soon. :)

  14. Hope you can get it working soon. I know your pain, just had a HD crash and still in recovery. LOL Keep us posted.

  15. So sorry to hear this. I love your stuff and use it a lot or my hubby's cards. He works in TN and we live in VA so most weeks he is gone.I send a card nearly everyday, and most of them are your drawings. Thanks so much.

  16. Thank you for all the images! Hope you are up and running again soon!

  17. Missing your almost daily digis! Hope this break is a good one for you and you have some time for yourself. Looking forward to your return...until then, enjoy the time!

  18. So sorry you're still having problems. I was on vacation when your first notice came through. But I certainly was hoping it would all be worked out by now for you. Enjoy the time off; God must have thought you needed it. {Hugs}
