Monday, July 7, 2014

Cherry Loving Bluebirdie


  1. You are so kind! I have had my eye on these sweeties for quite some time!
    Thank you m.e.

  2. Adorable, I love it! Thank you so much!

  3. It's been months since I've been on computer or made a card due to moving and surgery. I was able to visit your blog post only about twice a week, but never forgot. I have a lot to catch up still. Your work and art continues to brighten my day. I downloaded this little birdie and hope to put her on a card real soon. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome talent.

  4. So exquisite! The details like the tiny buttons down the back of her dress make this too perfect! I love it. :)

  5. So very sweet. Thank you. xxx
