Sister and me

We had a great time hanging out was fun reading all of the comments on sisters. Sisters are great. I am blessed to have two wonderful sissies and three wonderful brothers! It is hard to be so spread out across the country...but I am near my kids and grandkids which is why I ended up here in Colorado in the first place. Anyways, thanks for being patient and waiting for the digis. Big hugs to everyone out there.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Me and my sister....

My sister is visiting me from California...we had our pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks this morning to kick off our Fall La La Paloosa. (I don't think that is a real word.)  I won't be posting for about a week so we can hang out, check out the pumpkin fields, look for fall colors changing and such. Enjoy all the other digis, maybe go through some of the old ones you may have missed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015